Yacht clubs are an important institution on the Boston waterfront, and they are famous for being among the oldest in the country. For example, the South Boston Yacht Club was founded in 1868 and was one of the first 20 yacht clubs in the country to open its doors.
Incidentally, most waterfronts in the West and South of the United States are served by marinas, but that is less so in Boston. Instead, many boaters join a local yacht club, and there are over 70 of them around Boston to choose from.

Most yacht clubs operate on a membership basis, and rules and fees vary a great deal among clubs. Each yacht club is a unique organisation with its own traditions, ideas, and membership. However, most clubs provide the most essential services to boaters, like docking, mooring, launch services, racing programmes, youth programmes, and social events. Increasingly, yacht clubs offer both regular memberships and social memberships. The latter accommodates folks who do not use the boating facilities of the club but simply want to be part of the social events and privileges of the club. Such memberships are generally half the cost of a regular membership.

Membership fees vary and depend a lot on the location, size, and type of facilities of the club. Many clubs also require a one-time initiation fee. Some yacht clubs are easy to join; others have a waiting list and may require recommendations by other members.

Many yacht clubs rent out their facilities to non-members, offering their attractive waterfront venues for weddings, birthdays, or functions.

Great Yacht Clubs in the Boston Area

Squantum Yacht Club, Quincy
Squantum Yacht Club (SYC) was founded in 1890 as a private, family-oriented organization with an emphasis on the enjoyment of competitive and recreational boating. The club is located on Quincy Bay, boasting beautiful views of the Boston skyline.
Features: Membership, Moorings, Launch, Racing, Cruising, Youth Program, Sailboats, Powerboats
Price: $500.- Annual membership, $500 - Initiation Fee
Address: 646 Quincy Shore Dr
Wollaston, MA 02170
Wollaston Yacht Club, Quincy
Wollaston Yacht Club is conveniently located on Wollaston Beach in Quincy only a few miles from Boston. It is one of the oldest yacht clubs in the Boston area and is known as a laid-back, family friendly and affordable club. The club has a large mooring field, docks and has an active club-life with 70 events a year.
Features: Membership, Moorings, Parking, Beach access, Social Activies, Lounge, Food
Price: $400.- Annual membership , $125 - Annual social memberships
Address: 692 Quincy Shore Dr
Quincy, MA 02170
(617) 477-8448
Wessagusset Yacht Club, North Weymouth
Wessagussett Yacht Club is a cooperative/member maintained yacht club for both power boaters and sailors. It is located on the shore of North Weymouth at the mouth of the Weymouth Fore River adjacent to Wessagussett Beach. The club has a full set of docks, mooring fields and hosts many events throughout the year including: opening night, family day, Quincy Bay regatta, winter and summer socials, spring and fall dances and more.
Features: Membership, Moorings, Launch, Racing, Cruising, Youth Program, Sailboats, Powerboats
Price: $1045.- Annual membershjip, $850.- Initiation fee
Address: 212 Wessagussett Rd
North Weymouth, MA 02191
781) 335-9800
Chelsea Yacht Club, Chelsea
The Chelsea Yacht Club was founded 1886,and is located in Chelsea, MA where the Mystic River and Boston Harbor meet, at the Tobin Bridge. The CYC is a low-key small club and has slips for members, members quarters, a function hall, limited parking and winter boat storage for members
Price: -, -
Address: 1 Broadway
Chelsea, MA 02150
(617) 884-9864
South Boston Yacht Club, South Boston

Features: Membership, Moorings, Launch, Racing, Cruising, Youth Program, Sailboats, Powerboats
Price: -, -
Address: 1849 Columbia Rd
Boston, MA 02127
Winthrop Yacht Club, Winthrop
The Winthrop Yacht Club was founded in 1884 and is one of the largest clubs in the Boston area with over 800 members. The club as extensive facilities and a clubhouse with a full service bar and grill with a deck that overlooks the harbor. There are docks, moorings, function rooms, gear lockers and recreational facilities. Although started as a sailing and racing club, it now has has a mixed membership of sailors and powerboaters. The club has an active youth sailing program with
Features: Membership, Social Membership, Dock, Moorings, Clubhouse, Restaurant, Lockers, Member Facilities, Social Events
Price: $435 - Annual membership, $225 - Initiation Fee
Orient Heights Yacht Club, East Boston
Orient Heights Yacht Club is located at the north side of Winthrop Harbor with beautiful views of downtown Boston.
Features: Dock, 84 Slips, Clubhouse, Parking, Members Lounge, Ramp, Winter Storage, Events
Price: $250.- Annual membership , $500.- initiation fee
Address: 61 Bayswater St
East Boston, MA 02128
(617) 567-9439
Cottage Park Yacht Club, Winthrop
Cottage Park Yacht Club serves about 400 members with interests in sailing and powerboating. The club has an active racing fleet and sponsors a first class youth sailing program with full-time instruction all summer. The club has an active social schedule with one social event every month, highlighted by the commodore’s ball. The members have varied other interests including bowling, billiards, darts, social activities.
Price: $795 .- Annual membership, -
Address: One Baker Square
Winthrop, MA 02152
Jeffries Yacht Club, East Boston
Jeffries Yacht Club was chartered in 1876, making it one of the oldest clubs in America. It is located at Jefferies Point in East Boston.
Price: -, -
Address: 565 Sumner Street
East Boston MA 02128
Charles River Yacht Club, Cambridge
The Charles River Yacht Club on the Cambridge side of the Esplanade on the Charles River. It is in the middle of the city with great views of the Boston Skyline
Features: Membership, Clubhouse, 72 slips,
Price: -, -
Address: 99 Memorial Dr
Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 354-8681
Dorchester Yacht Club, Dorchester
The Dorchester Yacht Club serves about 275 members The club provides affordable dockage and waterfront access.
Features: Features: Memberships, Docks, Gas, Parking, Social Events
Price: $286.- Annual membership, $1,610-Initiation Fee
Address: 100 Playstead Road, Dorchester, MA 02125
Riverside Yacht Club, Medford
Riverside Yacht Club was founded in 1960 and is a small family oriented yacht club. It is located on the Mystic River in Medford near the Fellsway Shopping Plaza and Mystic River Reservation. The club provides dockage to over 60 boats. This location was once home to a number of shipyards which built over 500 sailing ships. In this area the rivers is actually very scenic and there are a number of walking trails and parks nearby along the river. Due to its location, the club primarily serves members with powerboats.
Features: Membership, Dockage, Clubhouse, Social Events
Price: $200.- Annual Membership Fee, $45/ft Dockage fee
Address: 52 Ship Avenue Medford, MA 02155 781-395-9872

More Yacht Clubs in the Boston Area

Back River Yacht Club - East Bridgewater, MA
Beachmont Yacht Club, Revere
Boston Harbor Yacht Club, Boston
Boston Yacht Club, Marblehead
Braintree Yacht Club, Braintree
Charlesgate Yacht Club, Cambridge, MA
Circle Yacht Club, Quincy MA
Columbia Yacht Club, South Boston
East Boston Yacht Club, East Boston
Fox Hill Yacht Club, Saugus
Hingham Yacht Club, Hingham
Hull Yacht Club, Hull
Lynn Yach Club, Lynn
Medforf Boat Club, Medford
Metrolpolitan Yacht Club, Braintree
Milton Yacht Club, Milton
Mystic Wellington Yacht Club Medford
Nahant Dory Club, Nahant
Nantasket Beach Saltwater Club, Hull
Neponset Valley Yach Club, Milton
Newton Yacht Club, Newton
Old Colony Yacht Club, Dorchester
Pelagic Sailing Club, Dorchester
Peninsula Yacht Club, Boston
Pleasant Park Yacht Club, Winthrop
Point of Pines Yacht Club, Saugus
Port Norfolk Yacht Club, Boston
Puritan Canoe Club, Boston
Quincy Yacht Club, Quincy
Salem Willows Yacht Club, Salem
Saugus River Yacht Club, Saugus
Savin Hill Yach Club, Dorchester
Scituate Harbor Yacht Club, Scituate
South Shore Yacht Club, North Weymouth
Swampscott Yacht Club, Swampscott
Town River Yacht Club Quincy
Volunteer Yacht Club, Lynn
Watertown Yacht Club, Watertown
Winter Hill Yacht Club, Somerville