Camping is a wonderful activity for the whole family. It lets you escape into a different world, live simply, cook outdoors, and sleep in the woods. Camping is great fun for kids and adults alike, and it is a special opportunity for a shared experience with your friends and family.
Car camping is very popular for good reasons. It is just so convenient to load up your car with all the necessities and head to the campground. All are welcome to participate, from young children to grandma and even the family dog. The cost is moderate (state parks charge about $20 in 2023), and the amount of equipment needed is modest. If you sleep in your car instead of a tent, it is even more affordable.
RV camping is very popular because it lets you travel with many amenities. RVs come in all different shapes and sizes. Some can be towed; others are self-propelled, like a truck. Many campgrounds provide instant hookups for electricity, water, and even TV. Just drive up, plug in, and enjoy!
Backpacking combines hiking or biking with camping. Because you carry all your gear, it requires specialised equipment that is small and light-weight. The beauty is that you can hike to any amazing location and then camp out right there.
Glamping is a new idea that got popular during the pandemic. It is for people who like the experience of camping but would like more amenities. This can cover the basics like a proper bed, electricity, good food, maybe even air conditioning, and a TV. Glamping sites generally provide permanent tents or cabins with many amenities. Some glamping resorts now even offer experiences with all the luxury trappings of a five-star hotel.
Handicaped Accessible camping facilities vary among campgrounds. Most state campgrounds have accessible restrooms and parking, and many have accessible camp sites and beach wheelchairs. Please check specific campgrounds for more information.
In Massachusetts, camping is only allowed in designated campgrounds or state parks. Please note that reservations are required. Click here to find out more.
Public Campgrounds in the Boston Area
Horseneck Beach State Reservation![]() Westport, Cape Cod (2 hours from Boston) Swim and camp at one of the most popular beaches in Massachusetts. Stretches for 2 miles along the the Western end of Buzzard's Bay. |
Wellfleet Hollow State Campground![]() Quiet and quaint, this campground offers an excellent opportunity for tent camping and exploring lower cape cod. the location is great for day trips to ocean beaches, area nature trails and the cape cod rail trail. |
Camp Nihan Education Center![]() Camp nihan is the perfect place for your next group camping experience. there's plenty of opportunities to learn about the local habitat. explore a variety of nature and wildlife across 65 acres. |
Shawme-Crowell State Forest![]() This 700-acre pitch pine and scrub oak forest is located on the western end of cape cod, and offers more than 15 miles of trails for hiking and horseback riding. camping is a favorite activity from early summer to the fall. |
Salisbury Beach State Reservation![]() Salisbury (1.25 hours from Boston) Salisbury beach is a popular beach at the entrance of the Merrimack river. Known also for its expansive amusement park nearby. |
Scusset Beach State Reservation![]() Sagamore Cape Cod (40 minutes from Boston) Beach located at the southwest corner of the cape cod bay. Stretches for 1.5 miles on the Cape Cod canal. You can take a walk along the jetty to watch ships pass through the cape canal. |
Harold Parker State Forest![]() Andover (1 hour from Boston) Large state park covering over 3,000 acres and 11 ponds. Berry Pond is a designated swimming area within the forest, complete with a sandy beach |
Wompatuck State Park spans 3,526 acres of forest, streams and ponds. offering an over 250 site campground, 12 miles of non-motorized roads and 40 miles of forest trails, the park is a great place to get into nature. |
Massasoit State Park![]() Head out on foot or by bike on 's trails. this is an especially nice park to visit in the fall, when you can see the contrast of scarlet cranberry bogs and pine trees. there are also plenty of ponds in which to fish. |
Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve![]() Waquoit bay has 2,700 acres of open waters, barrier beaches, marshlands, and uplands. the reserve is representative of typical shallow bay environment. enjoy discovering the bay, by land or water. |
Myles Standish State Forest![]() Carver (1.1 hours from Boston) One of the largest state forests in Massachusetts, covering over 12,000 acres. Offers a wide range of recreational activities and natural beauty, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. |
Nickerson State Park![]() Brewster (1.1 hours from Boston) A picturesque and popular state park with over 1,900 acres, featuring a mix of forests, ponds, and rolling terrain, making it a great spot for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. |
Boston Harbor Islands![]() Boston Harbor Explore 13 islands of Boston harbor, 3 of which are publicly accessible by ferry. There are many beaches and other historic sites p0n the islands. Access by public ferry from Rowe's Wharf, Long wharf or EDIC Wharf in South Boston |